Sunday, May 30, 2010

Zombie FInger Puppets

Not actually a zombie??? Thats ok! Neither am I! So we have made you some awesome zombie finger puppets so you can pretend!!! Print out the picture, cut it out, and enjoy your zombie fingert puppet fun!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Zombie Date Night

Found these photos of deviantART randomly just now, thought everyone would get a kick outta them (and they totally relate!!)


enjoy :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

itys done its done zombie comic

more stuff

heres more stuff from flick beast for the zombie almost done now yayay yayayay heres my history of the zombie films where the concept of the mighty flesh eaters first began

the final four.

Here's the collection of my final four pages for the zine. They'll still probably need some spell checking and what not, but for now here they are...

Zombie Diagram.

Interview with a Zombie.

Advertisement for brain food.

and the Bite Me Bitches zombie team.

Ash Williams, Homewears.

My illustration. Originally intended to be turned into B&W, but I'm not sure now, I kinda like the third one, part colour, part B&W...

scrap that.

I ending up dumping the idea for a celebrity zombie interview and went with a regular zombie interview instead... 
so here's Joe Zombie. He's just your average zombie dude. He likes bloody mary’s and eating lots of brain. he's not much into decapitation. he is into cocaine. He also can't help but strut his stuff when MIchael Jacksons thriller starts playing.

Monday, May 17, 2010

more stuff from flick beast

here peeeps somthing for your eye candy a diagram for how to kill zombies

Monday, May 10, 2010

diagrams and advertisements

diagram... now in colour

and rosie the zombie. BRAAAINS!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

bite us.

the Zombie zine team. hehehe.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Advert to go with promotional picture
this game does it, gets you ready for the suckers.
no more zombies!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Front Cover

Howdy Chicks from QLD!

Sorry I wont be there tomorrow for class :( I'm having trouble finding time between organising Nana's funeral and also finding internet anywhere let alone a scanner!!! But I FOUND ONE, so here's my scetcky idea for the cover. Let me know what you think and I'll do up a nicer one for the real thing (Unless you like the sketchiness??) I dunno. ANYWAY, let me know what you think!


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010


After i had designed the cupcake we managed to find THESE.
So I came up with the idea of a brain cupcake and a how to guide on making them. Its a step by step on how to make a normal cupcake basically, throw on some festering puss for the icing and them hit it up with a baby brain. maybe a finger if that's what your feeding your dead as treats or eyeballs for a bit of jelly.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Better version of a previous Zombie

MORE Zombie Seterotypes!

They're not finished yet, need another layer of watercolour and outlines, buthere for now are the ZOMBIE Royal Guard...

...and ZOMBIE Aboriginal!

I was hoping to have sketches for the cover up tonight as well but they're too light to take webcam photos of like this and my scanner is still not working :S

Monday, April 19, 2010

diagram for zombie death

ok well im finally back from whereever the fuck ive been these last past few weeks so for bite me right now im working on a diagram for the best ways to kill a zombie showing all the tools to get the best results and the areas on a zombie that will make it go bang splat! shortly i hope to have the pics up .

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ZOMBIE Stereotypes you may not be prepared for...

Ok so I *may* have forgotten wich email I had used for this blog for about a week :P

ANYWAY, here's an update on what I've been up to for the blog, they're crappy quality photos but my scanner is misbehaving today so these will have to do for now.

Hope everyone likes them I bring you, ZOMBIE Geisha and ZOMBIE Child Beauty Queen!

Friday, April 2, 2010

dating a zombie anyone

Here are some of the panels of my lil zombie strip zombies guide to dating a human a guide for all those ubdead seeking love enjoy when blogger behaves itself the remaining panels will be uploaded

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

So I have to throw in an Advert image, with the Fall out 3 reveiw here it is in sepia, as the game has abit of a 60's atomic bomb theme. Story is an atomic bomb does go ff and that mutates everyone into zombies and ghouls, accept the people that hid in bomb shelters. FO3 logo in the center. and some zombie hands reaching for it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bob Zombie; The Loving Editor

Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce to you a rough sketch of our editor, Bob Zombie. He is mostly the strong silent type (unless you get him on the subject of brains or spice girls). He enjoys pinacoladas, yoga, and dislikes fire and large blows to the head. Bob will be completing a mini description at the beginning of our zine in a form of 'letter from the editor' to let you all know what amazing things are in our z-zine.
Peace Josie

Vampires, just a phase?

Just some more updates and scribbles for the bits and pieces I'm working on.

Is your friend a Zombie? How to tell.

Celebrity zombie interview.
Quick sketch of Robert Downey Junior and Robert Downey Junior as a zombie.

Illustration, all in zombie image.
A few sketches of the girls for the group zombie illustration. The first one was done quickly in class, however for the second page I've used photo references. They still need a lot of work, Kat's image is totally wrong because I'm yet to take a photograph of her in a zombie pose.

Sketches and braaaiiinstorming.

Hello fellow zombies,
this is my first post for the bite me blog so I'm just uploading basic sketches and simple brainstorming work.

The pages of the zine that I'm working on include;

Is your friend a zombie? how to tell. (diagram)
this will be an illustrated diagram of a zombie with facts and information involving typical traits that will help the reader to discern whether or not their friend is one of the undead.

Celebrity zombie interview. (specific editorial)
a short fictitious interview accompanied by an illustration of a zombie celebrity. no concrete plans for this piece yet, but the celebrity will most likely be robert downey junior.
unless anyone can think of a better celebrity candidate for a zombie?

Advertisement for brains. (product illustration)
simple advertisement for zombie food... braaaiins!
(brain food, haha)

Illustration, all in zombie image. (umm... interpretive?)
this last one is just for fun, I'll be drawing each member of our team as zombies!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

infectious stuff and for for the zine

right heres what ive been doing lately for the zine ive finished the illustration which i ve titled zombie love which combines two of my favourite things women and zombies ive almost finshed the comic strip which will be a zombies guide to dating/eating which will be followed by a digram showing you all the best ways to kill a zombie in your house and a short history of the zombie

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What I've been up to...

So aside from drawing I actually help a 'Dress To Survive a Zombie Apocalypse' contest on deviantART and have gotten some finalists' permission to use their entries in our Zine!

Here's what we have...

A Short Story:



I never quite liked Mondays. The feeling of dread and depression as yet another monotonous week is to begin slowly swallows me up as I look out the window, sipping my morning coffee.

I wave back at the postman tiredly, watching through blood-sharped, half-closed eyes as Mrs. Morrison steadily keeps gnawing his neck. For an old hag halfway between her eighties and a tombstone, she certainly seems to enjoy the taste of human flesh, clearly identified through the loud growls she lets out during her meaty breakfast.

Personally, I prefer cereal.

Postman Tom finally quiets down as his life seeps away, bringing back the familiar status quo of silence into the neighborhood. I give a moment of thought who would bring the daily mail from now on, but my thoughts are rudely interrupted as Mrs. Morrison lets out the most blood-curling scream I've ever heard from an old woman with lung-cancer. Not quite the most articulate one at that, if I might add.

As the last few gulps of my morning elixir runs down my throat, I can see a small welcoming committee beginning to form outside. Mrs. Morrison and several more of my darling neighbors inched towards my humble home, quickly working their way through the fairly high fences. They don't quite seem to approve of the barbed wire on top though. It's nice to see so many folk so early on though, especially on a normally gloomy Monday. Even little Junior has come to play, albeit that strands of hair stuck between his teeth make me wonder whether he had eaten his favorite cat, perhaps.

Knowing it is wholly customary to greet them appropriately, I turn away from the window and waddle up the stairs to my room. I can hear them banging at the door downstairs, which makes me feel guiltily rude for making them wait. Invigorated by the strong black substance, I quickly jump into some preferably clean clothes, although most of them were already tainted with more or less amounts of a certain red liquid. The moment I adjust my glasses, I hear someone crashing through the window, finally sparking some annoyance in me. Had I let them in from the start, I wouldn't have to bother looking for repairs, later today.

As I rummage through my drawers to find a suitable welcoming gift for my dearest neighbors, I find myself whistling a silly little song. The people downstairs to their best to sing along, but the inarticulate shrieks really contrast to my gentle, if slightly sharp whistles. Imagining myself as a donkey for a moment, I kick back to close the door behind me, as I didn't wish to embarrass myself in front of them with such a dirty room. I should honestly wash my clothes one of these days, but genetic male laziness will probably prevent me once again.

A smile forms upon my weary face as I finally come across the object I wished to find. I inhale, not wishing to break this almost sacred moment as I gently run my hand along this beautiful piece of art, worthy of all mortal and divine praise.

Such fine craftsmanship condensed into a 11 inch diameter cast-iron wonder, its side low enough to reinforce its perfection. The flawless handle fits into my hand easily, but firmly. Once I strengthen my grip over it just once, it never lets go, staying with me as a loving pet just as much as a sturdy, although slightly heavy companion.

I almost lose myself in its beauty like always, watching my smirk reflected upon the last bit of shiny surface. The rest of it had sadly been tainted by now, although nothing a good scrubbing job wouldn't fix eventually.

"You'll be beautiful again my dear, I promise." I find myself purring to the piece of metal cookware in my hand, only to be rudely interrupted by thuds and groans, as my neighbors had gotten bored of waiting and were doing their best to race up the stairs to me.

I shrug and sigh, shaking my head slightly. I couldn't really be angry at them, mostly because even though we've gotten into some arguments over the years, they were still my lovely, if slightly maniacal, homicidal, decaying and thoroughly crazed neighbors. Taking the initiative, I turned to the door and opened it up to greet them appropriately, my hand unconsciously swinging forward to act as the most perfect invitation one could imagine...



And some images!!

Next I shall post some drawings I'm doing for the Zine ;) :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

welcome bitches to bite me zine..

welcome welcome everyone to bite me zine the zine made for zombies and zombie lovers by people of questionable origins..
this is a group project made by six talented zombie obsessed women
in our team we have :
hope you enjoy